The Benefits of Film plan includes coverage for life insurance, accidental death, critical illness, short and long term disability benefits, extended health, dental, member and family assistance program, substance abuse treatment and health care spending account. Check out the benefit summary for more information about how to become eligible for these benefits.
You can also apply for optional life insurance for you or your spouse. Application forms including the rates are available under the Forms menu.
You can access up to 10 free sessions for a variety of counselling/work life services under the Employee & Family Assistance Program (EFAP). The EFAP is available to all members of IATSE Local 891 and their dependents.
In addition to the above, if you qualify for hour bank benefits you get up $1400 per person, per calendar year for counselling services, please see your booklet online for further details.
Drug coverage is part of the coverage you get when you are eligible for hour bank benefits, however not all prescriptions drugs are covered.
The base Benefits of Film plan which covers about 5000 DINS follows the BC provincial Fair Pharmacare formulary. You can check with your doctor or your pharmacist to see if your medication is covered. These drugs are payable at 100%.
Under the base Benefits of Film plan some additional prescriptions are covered, but require special approval. Your doctor will need to complete a Special Authority Request form and submit it to BC Pharmacare for approval. When it has been approved, you can send this to to submit to Canada Life, or you can submit it directly to Canada Life by calling them at 1-855-729-1839. Once the approval is set up on Canada Life’s system you will be able to use your drug card to purchase the medication going forward.
As of May 1st 2022, another additional 11,000 drugs in addition to those covered under the base Benefits of Film plan are covered under the Supplementary Drug Plan (TELUS’s Complete Managed Formulary). These drugs are payable at 80%.If your drug gets paid at 80%, check with your pharmacist to see if it is eligible on the BC Fair Pharmacare as a special authority drug – if approved, you could get reimbursed at 100% if your Special Authority Request is approved.
You can check whether your drug it’s covered by accessing the Canada Life GroupNet website or app and using the DIN lookup tool. You can also check whether the drug is covered under the base or supplementary plan.
You can access up to 10 free sessions for a variety of counselling/work life services under the Employee & Family Assistance Program (EFAP). The EFAP is available to all members of IATSE Local 891 and their dependents.
In addition to the above, if you qualify for hour bank benefits you get up $1400 per person, per calendar year for counselling services, please see your booklet online for further details.
Your plan covers you for medical emergency situations with Global Medical Assistance (emergency travel), Medical referral travel in Canada and out of country care. Please refer to your booklet online for further details.
Your plan does not include trip cancellation or lost baggage coverage.
For extended health and dental claims you have 18 months from the date you incur (pay for) the expense to submit, however you can only submit online for 12 months from the date of expense. Healthcare Spending account claims must be submitted by 90 days from the end of the health spending account plan year. Your plan year is from July 1st each year to the following June 30th so claims must be submitted by September 28th for any expenses that you paid for up to June 30th of that year. Example
Contact the Union Hall for these forms 604-664-8910 or email:
A dependent must be a Canadian citizen and have health coverage with your province,
Children are eligible if they under 21 or any age if still attending school full time
Children who are disabled and financially dependent can be covered but must be approved by Canada Life. Go to Forms\Health & Dental Enrolment & Change Forms\Overage Dependent Form. Complete this form and return to AGA Benefit Solutions.
A spouse is eligible as of the date of marriage
A commonlaw spouse is eligible once you have been living together for 12 months but you must complete a commonlaw declaration form. Go to Forms\Enrolment & Change Forms\Commonlaw declaration forms